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KBIS 2018

PULSE ShowerSpas is proud to be exhibiting at KBIS for our 14th straight year. As a long standing member of the NKBA, we are here to support our industry.

This year we will be introducing a few new innovative lines as we strive to continue to be the most innovative and creative shower manufacturer on the market.

We will be displaying our new Aging in Place line featuring different grab bar options, along with the ErgoSeat.

In addition, PULSE will also be officially launching our exclusive Diamond Line specifically designed and developed for show rooms. The Diamond Line will only be available through a selected group of dealers and will not be available to “Big-Box” online retailers.

Please stop by our booth #S5327 and learn more about our exciting product line.

These Are The Shower Habits That You Need To Ditch

Did you know there’s actually a right way to shower? Get ready turn down that water temperature and drop the shampoo—here are the things you need to stop doing when you’re taking a shower.

Showering is—and should be—a daily habit for most of us, and everyone has their own routine. Some people can’t live without washing their hair each day while others chose to skip a day or two, and the differences continue on from there. However, did you know that some of the most common shower habits might not actually be that healthy? Believe it or not, some of the things you do every day while taking a shower could be affecting you in ways you never thought of. Check out this list to see if your shower habits are doing you more harm than good.

1. Washing Your Face

Without a doubt it’s much easier and less messy to wash your face when you’re already in the shower. However, despite the convenience, it’s actually not good for your face. The water that you shower in will typically be much hotter than what you’d normally wash your face with, and the high temperature can make your skin dry out very quickly. Those with skin conditions such as acne or rosacea may also find that washing their face with hot water can cause excessive redness and irritation—it could even burst a blood vessel in your face if you wash too aggressively.

2. Not Washing Your Feet

You might be thinking that your feet make contact with plenty of water while you’re in the shower, so there’s no real reason to actually give them a proper wash. You’d be wrong, though. Even if you’re not prone to smelly feet, think about how sweaty your feet can get throughout the day. Not only that, but if you’re known to walk around the house or outdoors without socks or shoes, you never know what you might be picking up along the way. There’s no excuse for just letting the soap suds run down to your feet anymore—imagine what you’re bringing into your bed every night without giving them a good wash.

3. Not Washing/Replacing Your Loofah Regularly

Be honest, how long has the same loofah been hanging in your shower? Months? YEARS? As it turns out, that can be terrible for your health and this video demonstrates why:

4. Using the Soap Dish

Yes, that soap dish is there for a reason, but using it for its intended purpose actually isn’t that good of an idea. The majority of people don’t use bars of soap these days but, for those that do, be aware that leaving it in one spot could be encouraging bacteria to grow on it—bacteria that you’re then going to spread over your entire body the next time you use that soap. Gross. If you feel like you don’t want to make the switch to a liquid soap, try finding a soap dish that has holes in the bottom so any remaining water can drain away once you’re out of the shower.

5. Using Scented Soaps

Yes, those soaps that make your bathroom smell a tropical rainforest or a freshly-made vanilla cupcake do smell great, but it’s those very fragrances that could be doing a number on your skin. Anyone who notices that their skin seems particularly irritated after a shower should look at the soap they use as the first culprit. Fragrances can irritate sensitive skin very easily, so it’s best to use something unscented to keep your skin in the best shape. Plus, you won’t have to worry about the scent of your soap mixing with the scent of your perfume and making some unwanted smells.

6. Showering in Hard Water

Some people may not even know how to tell if their water is considered hard, but figuring it out and taking steps to adjust it could save your hair and skin from a lot of damage. Hard water means that it contains large amounts of things like magnesium and calcium, which can end up making your skin break out or cause a buildup of minerals in your hair. Those with dyed hair may even find that hard water strips the color out of their hair or makes it fade a little quicker. If you’re unable to add a water softener to your shower, try adding a clarifying shampoo into your routine to remove any buildup on your hair caused by hard water.

7. Avoiding Cold Showers

Most people wouldn’t even dream of standing in cold water for more than a second, let alone taking an entire shower in water that was anything less than steaming hot. However, cold water showers can actually be really beneficial for your skin and hair, and you only need 30 seconds of one to see a difference. A quick blast of cold water is said to improve your immune function, increase your metabolism, and increase the amount of stress you can tolerate. In addition to speeding up your metabolism, a study done in 2009 suggests that regularly taking a cold shower could even help you lose weight over time.

8. Using Old Razors

For most of us, old razors aren’t necessarily something we care to replace on a regular basis, so they just sit in the shower until we finally cave and get a new one. Razors, whether you’re buying replacement heads or the kind that are entirely disposable, are surprisingly expensive—why throw one out after a certain period of time if it still seems to work? Well, just because a razor is still taking off your hair doesn’t mean it’s doing it effectively. If you notice that your skin gets red and inflamed after you shave, it’s because the blades are dull and it’s time for a replacement.

9. Leaving Your Razor in the Shower

Remember how we said that leaving your wet bar of soap in your dingy old soap dish makes it a breeding ground bacteria? The same thing goes for your razor. There are plenty of nooks and crannies in your razor that make perfect spots for bacteria to hide, and the problem will only get worse when the razor is sitting in a hot, wet environment. Also, letting water rest on the blade of your razor can make it get rusty, and shaving with a rusty razor is equivalent to asking for a tetanus infection. If you don’t actually want to store your razor outside of the shower, at least make sure that you hang it up when you’re doing using it so it can air dry.

10. Over Exfoliating

Giving your skin a gentle scrub every now and then is a good idea, but doing so every day could actually be causing damage. For anyone who doesn’t know, your skin actually exfoliates itself by renewing every 25 days or so. Anyone who chooses to exfoliate their skin every day is actually exfoliating fresh skin cells, which can make your skin red and irritated as a result. It’s best to let some dead cells build up on the surface of your skin before exfoliating so that, you know, there’s actually something there to exfoliate.

11. Washing Your Hair Daily

If you notice that your hair always looks damaged and feels dry no matter what you do, it’s likely that your shower water is too hot and you’re washing your hair way too often. Unless you’re someone who likes to work out every single day, you really only need to wash your hair a few times a week at most—those with curly or extremely coarse hair should try to cut it down to once a week.

For anyone who says that their hair is too oily to go without a daily wash, it could be that daily washing that’s making your hair oily—washing too often dries out your scalp, which makes it produce more oil to compensate. If you want to start shampooing less often, try using dry shampoo on your roots every other day.

12. Skipping Your Shower Post-Workout

If you like to work out late at night or in the morning before you head out to work, you may decide that you’re too tired or pressed for time to squeeze a shower in. However, working up a sweat can leave bacteria on your skin that will get trapped against you if you choose not to rinse it off afterwards. This could lead to a skin infection or, at the very least, some minor irritation or redness. Not to mention that you’d be going to bed or heading to work as a sweaty, stinky mess—remember, just because you can’t smell you doesn’t mean others can’t smell you. At the very least, take some time to wipe off the sweat with a clean washrag, or just change your clothes.

13. Reusing Dirty Towels

The logic seems solid—if you only use your towel when your body clean, how could your towel possibly be dirty? It’s not exactly the case, though. Yes, it’s alright to use your towel two to three times before you finally give it a wash, but that’s only if you hang it up to air dry after every single time that you use it. Just like your loofah, dead skin cells can cling to your towel and, when you don’t let it dry properly, there’s a big risk for bacterial growth. Using the same towel for a week or more at a time could mean putting yourself at risk for bacterial skin infections—plus, they can eventually start to smell pretty bad.

14. Rubbing Towels on Your Skin and Hair

We can guess pretty confidently that you reach for your towel right after getting done with your shower, but there are a couple of different ways that people towel off. Some choose to just wrap their towel around themselves and wait to dry off while they do other things—put in contacts, apply moisturizer, brush their teeth—while others immediately start to wipe the water away.

As it turns out, rubbing a towel against your skin isn’t exactly the best thing for it, and dermatologists actually recommend that you use a patting motion to dry your skin. For anyone with long hair who likes to wrap their towel around their head like a cocoon, know that doing so could also be damaging your locks, as well.

15. Skipping the Moisturizer

It can be pretty tempting to go lounge around after you’ve gotten out of the shower, and it’s easy to get sucked into things like reading a book or watching television before you finally start to get ready. However, you’re doing a skin a disservice if you don’t apply some moisturizer right when you get out of the shower. Moisturizer will be absorbed a little bit easier when you skin is nice and warm, and you’ll also want to replenish any moisture your skin lost from being in that hot water. Also, just like you should be rubbing a towel on your body, don’t rub a towel on your face either.

16. Bathing in a Dirty Tub

Alright, so a bath definitely isn’t the same as a shower, but we have a reminder for those of you out there that take them—clean your bathtub every once in a while! It’s a chore that we’re sure no one likes doing, but it’s an important one. If you’re going to be sitting in a tub full of water for any period of time, you want to make sure that there’s nothing mixing in with your bath water that you wouldn’t want to be in there. This is especially true if you share a bathroom with other people—you might like your roommates, but you don’t really know what they could’ve tracked into the tub.

Source: http://www.healthyway.com/content/these-are-the-shower-habits-that-you-need-to-ditch?rtg=johntesh-86c46d&param4=hwy-fni-fbss-2361-us-mo&param5=10154248825521186&param6=23842579457260605

Las Vegas HD Expo 2017

Pulse ShowerSpas is pleased to announce that we will be showcasing some of our most popular products at the Las Vegas HD Expo 2017.

Pulse will be bringing the innovative, quality shower systems and shower panels that are sure to compliment your hotel and enhance your guest satisfaction.

Pulse will be displaying their top seller, the Kauai III, featuring its easy installation and maintenance free design. The Aquarius, Pulse’s most innovative designed retrofit shower featuring a magnetic handheld holder with an 8” rain showerhead will also be displayed.

Pulse ShowerSpas hospitality products are the most cost effective showers on the market and, combined with their excellence in customer service, makes them the best partner for your bathroom decorative plumbing needs.

Let’s make this a great show for all of us.
Join us at HD Expo 2017 – Booth #1678

6 Mistakes You’re Making Every Time You Take A Shower


Not only can staying in the shower too long dry out your skin, it’s also a tremendous waste of water. According to the Alliance for Water Efficiency, the average shower in America uses 17.2 gallons of water. Shorten your daily shower to 5 minutes, and you’ll save more than 2,000 gallons of water each year.


Shampooing and conditioning your hair should be among the first steps you take when you get in the shower. Some of the residue from these hair products can remain on your face, skin, and hair even after rinsing, so it makes sense to follow hair washing with the rest of your shower routine. Using a gentle soap or cleanser on your body and face will help ensure you scrub away any remnants of your shampoo and conditioner.


Finding the perfect medium when it comes to shower water temperature can be a challenge. We all know the luxurious feeling of a piping hot shower when the weather is chilly. And a nice cool shower can be so refreshing on a hot day. But it’s best for your skin to keep the temperature moderate, no matter what it feels like outdoors. The American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) recommends a warm, not hot, temperature to prevent skin from drying out. You can even adjust the temperature on the water heater itself to be sure your water physically can’t go above a certain temp.

Water heating is also the second largest energy expense in the home (second to air heating and cooling)—so any reduction in temperature here will offer big savings on your monthly bill.


The AAD recommends blotting your skin gently with a towel to dry off post-shower, instead of rubbing your skin with the towel, which may cause irritation and itchiness. And always apply moisturizer within a few minutes of toweling off to help lock in moisture from the shower (just steer clear of the 6 most harmful ingredients in lotion).


Mold develops and thrives in damp areas, so a nonventilated bathroom is its dream home. Even though not all residential building codes require it, installing an exhaust fan in your bathroom is a smart move. Keep the fan running for a few extra minutes post-shower, too, as water tends to remain on surfaces like shower walls, the floor, and the ceiling.


How old is your showerhead? If it was manufactured before the early ’90s, it could have a flow rate of 5.5 gallons per minute. Compare that to current showerheads on the market, which are required by federal regulations to have a flow rate of just 2.5 gallons per minute—or even less. If your home contains older fixtures, check to see if your showerhead needs an update. There are countless options available, but you can expect to invest a minimum of $10 for a decent one.

Source: www.msn.com


Revitalize mind and body in the shower daily

Although it has become just part of the routine, showering has the potential to be not only an enjoyable and invigorating treat but also a revitalizing therapy. By simply alternating the faucets, you can boost your immune system, increase metabolism, enliven healthy circulation of blood and lymph and promote detoxification.

The procedure is simple and easy to remember, just think three minutes, thirty seconds, three times. Three minutes hot, followed by thirty sec cold, repeated three times. Time it accordingly so the shower ends on cold. Start out with mild differences in temperature, working your way towards greater extremes at your own pace. You should never feel sick, uncomfortable, burning or pain during this treatment, if you begin to feel any of these, immediately return the water to a neutral temperate or end the shower and slowly sit down if needed.

Move the Blood and Lymph

Hydrotherapy heals through the fundamental nature cure concept of balancing and moving the blood and lymph. It might be hard to see why such a basic concept could be so rewarding but the blood is responsible for approximately 1/13 to 1/12 of the total body weight and the lymph fluid is an amazingly approximately 1/4 to 1/3 of the total body weight. Purifying and moving the blood and lymph is essential to restoring or maintaining proper health and harmonious vibration of the body. As the blood flows in, it brings with it nutrients to nourish our vital tissues. Then, as it leaves it carries out toxic and inflammatory by-products to cleanse and detoxify.

How Water Heals

Ever wonder why you can tolerate 120°F sauna but not a 120°F hot-tub? Or why winter waters are so much more dangerous than winter air? Water has a profound ability to transfer heat and carries heat rapidly to and from the body over twenty-five times faster than air. Water has the ability to both absorb and expel large quantities of heat because it has a high specific heat. Its fluidity also allows it to contact all areas easily.

Short hot, 98-104°F lasting less than five minutes, is intrinsically stimulative to the circulation. Short heat causes direct dilation of blood vessels. It increases the metabolism, oxygen absorption, carbon dioxide excretion and blood glucose levels while, decreasing tissue tone, red and white blood cell count.

Short cold, 55-65°F for less than a minute, is reactively stimulative. It has an immediate, momentary and insignificant vasoconstrictive effect followed by a direct reactive vasodilatory effect. This vasodilatory effect increases skin and organ circulation, metabolism, detoxification, oxygen absorption, carbon dioxide excretion, and nitrogen absorption and excretion. It boosts immunity through increasing white blood cells and promotes nutrition through increasing red blood cells. Short cold also increases tissue tone, peripheral white blood cell count and decreases blood glucose. Cold is a greater difference from our normal body temperature, making it perceived as more of a threat and therefor reacted to faster than hot. On days when you can’t do the full treatment, try to still end with cold!

When alternating hot and cold, each subsequent application is magnified by the application prior to it. The hot application magnifies the effects of the cold, the cold magnifies the effects of the hot and so on. Alternating applications acts a pump through the tissues, magnifying the movement of blood and lymph, maximizing the peripheral heart function, de-congesting and acting as an analgesic.

The greater the temperature differences between the body, the water and the two alternating temperatures, the greater the treatment intensity. In other words, strive for temperature extremes but always do so within your own limits.

We’re not going to tell you you’re showering wrong

We’re not going to tell you you’re showering wrong — when it comes to being naked, best practices are clearly a personal preference.

But there is a way to shower optimally, for better looking skin and hair when you step out. And the trick is so simple, you can add it to your everyday routine.

It goes like this: before you step out of the shower, douse your skin and hair in cold water for 2-5 minutes.

The theory, according to GQ, is that the the steam from your boiling shower is bad for your skin and hair, and the heat and moisture actually dries out your skin. Cold water, on the other hand, can help seal the moisture in and improve blood flow, providing numerous benefits, but not the least of which is healthy-looking skin and hair.

And there’s some truth to that, according to an interview GQ did with dermatologist Dr. Terrence Keaney.

Cold temperature decreases transepidermal water loss, contributing to better skin hydration,Keaney told GQ. What this means is that it draws less moisture and essential oils away from the skin, keeping it where it belongs.

Cold water also constricts blood vessels, decreasingthe look of redness and irritation on your skin. As for your hair, dermatologist Jessica Krant told the Huffington Post that cold water can affect the hair by decreasing inflammation around hair follicles, flatting them against the scalp, and making your hair look healthier and stronger.

But cold water can also make you healthier. According to Keaney, it “redirects blood flow to deep blood vessels, improving blood flow to the heart” with the resulting effect of jump-starting your metabolism. Some studies have also suggested, according to Medical Daily, that cold water also increases heart rate, speeds up muscle recovery, and stimulates weight loss.

For the more morning-adverse among us, it also provides a more immediate benefit: it wakes you up!

To get these benefits, one must run cold water (no lower than 61 degrees Farenheit, since any lower may be dangerous) over you skin and hair for about 2-5 minutes.

And there you have it: A better looking, healthier you and all it took was a little bit of suffering in the shower.

Beer Bottle Designed To Be Enjoyed In The Shower

Swedish creative agency Snask and Swedish microbrewery Pangpang collaborated to create a pale ale that is less susceptible to warm temperature

Swedish creative agency Snask and Swedish microbrewery Pangpang collaborated to create a pale ale beer for drinking in the shower.

The bottle is made of thicker glass than traditional beers, making it less susceptible to the warmth of a shower, and so can be enjoyed ice-cold despite the circumstances. The beers were made so users can drink them in three sizable gulps before heading out with friends.

The bottles contain 18 centiliters of beer, where the standard bottle holds double this.

The first batch of beer was quickly bought up. Their second batch is currently in the process of being brewed; the company will announce when those are available for preorder.

Source: www.psfk.com


The easy way to transform your bathroom

I still remember the first day at work here at Pulse. A lot of things to learn about the company and how to develop a marketing strategy for the company, however the most important thing I had to learn was HOW TO INSTALL THE SHOWER.

After few months working at Pulse I decided to take one of the showers home and install it myself. It is important to mention that I had ZERO experience with plumbing. My wife even asked me couple times if I was going to install my new Kauai III by myself. Well, I had to. In the end of the day I was working for a shower manufacturer.

For my surprise, after 30 minutes I was done. My shower never looked that nice before.

Next day at work I knew I had a big project to work. The project was: SHOW OUR CUSTOMERS HOW EASY IT IS TO INSTALL A PULSE SHOWERSPA.

We made a decision to create a video and the result you can see below. Enjoy it and install your Pulse ShowerSpas today. I am sure you can.


Bathrooms are one of the most used spaces in a home so your bathroom experience, in particular your shower experience, should be as amazing as your budget allows.  Now let’s not get carried away. We don’t need a whole car wash experience, especially in California where we have the strictest water flow rate standards due to our drought situation. The rules apply to new builds (or remodels) and if you are doing work with permits, the Inspector will be checking the specifications for the fixtures you install to ensure compliance with the ever-changing rules. If you are retrofitting, it technically doesn’t apply to you but we should, of course, be as conscious of saving water as possible.

Bathrooms are one of the most used spaces in a home so your bathroom experience, in particular your shower experience, should be as amazing as your budget allows.  Now let’s not get carried away. We don’t need a whole car wash experience, especially in California where we have the strictest water flow rate standards due to our drought situation. The rules apply to new builds (or remodels) and if you are doing work with permits, the Inspector will be checking the specifications for the fixtures you install to ensure compliance with the ever-changing rules. If you are retrofitting, it technically doesn’t apply to you but we should, of course, be as conscious of saving water as possible.

With that said, how many of you would enjoy a shower experience similar to these?



Notice the rain shower head and the separate handheld unit? If you’ve not had the pleasure of using a rain shower head before, you are missing out.  My first experience was at a spa in Hawaii and from that moment on, I knew that when I had the opportunity, I would install a rain shower head in my own personal shower and I did.

Note that the rain shower is purely a luxury amenity.  It’s a really nice finishing “experience” and is very relaxing.  It is not utilitarian.  That’s what the handheld shower unit is for.  That is an absolute must.  I absolutely hate hotel showers that only have the stationary shower head.  How do you really get your body clean with a single stream of water, let alone cleaning the tub/shower? Not acceptable!

My rant aside, having installed a rain shower head along with a handheld unit and having the multiple valve options to operate each unit independently and together, the price tag was well into the low 4 figures…not cheap! It was very nice but it was an investment for sure!

Fast forward to just a few short years ago, I learned about Pulse Showerspas and I have been installing them in every bathroom renovation project since.  For a very low investment (under $300), you get the rain shower head and the handheld with the bar. They come in various finishes including brushed nickel, chrome, and oil rubbed bronze.  There are several styles such as the Kauai II and Kauai III which are the most contemporary and my personal favorite.  There is also Aqua Rain which is little more traditional looking but still very clean lines and the Lanikai which has multi-functions (talk about major luxury!)

Take a look at a few projects where we’ve installed this system.  Again, I am partial to the Kauai II and III for it’s contemporary aesthetic.




The best part is, you can retrofit your existing units. That means you can easily remove your existing shower head and install the Pulse Showerspa system of your choice.  It’s really that easy. No major renovation required.  Give it a try…I promise you will LOVE the results. Just read the reviews…overwhelming positive and you didn’t spend 10-15 times what it would have cost you for a traditional system.  You’re welcome! ?

Source: http://www.alicetchan.com/fall-love-home-luxe-shower-system/


Why Do Our Best Ideas Come to Us in the Shower?

You’re in the shower, mindlessly scrubbing your toes when—bam!—a prophetic thought pops into your head. Maybe you finally solve that glitch bugging you at work. Or maybe you learn something terribly more important. The meaning of life, perhaps. Or what the 23 flavors in Dr. Pepper are.

Those aha! moments aren’t locked inside a bottle of Irish-scented shampoo. Soaking yourself in suds, though, does have a lot to do with it. The shower creates the perfect conditions for a creative flash, coaxing out your inner genius. Oh, and it makes you clean, too.


Research shows you’re more likely to have a creative epiphany when you’re doing something monotonous, like fishing, exercising, or showering. Since these routines don’t require much thought, you flip to autopilot. This frees up your unconscious to work on something else. Your mind goes wandering, leaving your brain to quietly play a no-holds-barred game of free association.

This kind of daydreaming relaxes the prefrontal cortex—the brain’s command center for decisions, goals, and behavior. It also switches on the rest of your brain’s “default mode network” (DMN) clearing the pathways that connect different regions of your noggin. With your cortex loosened up and your DMN switched on, you can make new, creative connections that your conscious mind would have dismissed.

That’s why the ideas you have in the shower are so different from the ideas you have at work—you’re a pinch more close-minded at the office. Thinking hard about a problem deactivates your default network. It boosts your prefrontal cortex’s control. This isn’t a bad thing—it tightens your focus and gives you the power to stop gawking at cat pictures and hit that deadline. But it can also dig you into a creative rut. Because when you’re deeply focused on a task, your brain is more likely to censor unconventional—and creative—solutions.

Strange as it sounds, your brain is not most active when you’re focused on a task. Rather, research shows it’s more active when you let go of the leash and allow it to wander. Shelley Carson at Harvard found that highly creative people share one amazing trait—they’re easily distracted. And that’s the beauty of a warm shower. It distracts you. It makes you defocus. It lets your brain roam. It activates your DMN and encourages wacky ideas to bounce around. So when the lather rinses off, your light bulb switches on.


But what makes the shower different from a boring board meeting? Doesn’t your mind wander there, too?

Well, yeah. You probably have the doodles to prove it. But a shower is relaxing. It’s a small, safe, enclosed space. You feel comfortable there. (Comfortable enough to be in the buff!) On top of that, you’re probably alone. It may be the only alone time you get all day. It’s your chance to get away from any stresses outside.

When you’re that relaxed, your brain may release everyone’s favorite happy-go-lucky neurotransmitter, dopamine. A flush of dopamine can boost your creative juices. More alpha waves will also ripple through your brain—the same waves that appear when you’re meditating or happily spacing out. Alphas accompany your brain’s daydreamy default setting and may encourage the creative fireworks.

Wait! There’s more! The time you shower also plays into the equation. Most of us wash up either in the morning or at night—when we’re most tired. According to the journal Thinking and Reasoning, that’s our creative peak. The groggy morning fog weakens your brain’s censors, keeping you from blocking the irrelevant, distracting thoughts that make great ideas possible. It’s likely that your shower gushes during your creative sweet spot.

There you have it. You’re distracted, relaxed, and tired. Your prefrontal cortex slackens its power as your default network switches on, your dopamine supplies surge, and your alpha waves roll. The shower creates the perfect storm for the perfect idea.


Source: http://mentalfloss.com/article/52586/why-do-our-best-ideas-come-us-shower